Asbestos Disposal Brisbane
Asbestos Collection Services
Stressed about getting rid of asbestos in your home or business? Asbestos Removals Brisbane is a full-service asbestos removal specialist offering both residential and commercial asbestos removal services. From identifying asbestos, to removal, clean and disposal, our asbestos removal team takes all the stress out of dealing with asbestos. So when you’re in need of asbestos disposal, choose Asbestos Removal Brisbane as your first point of call for all of your asbestos disposal Brisbane needs.
Special licences are required to remove more than 10 square metres of asbestos, as it’s considered a dangerous substance to contact. Bonded (non-friable) asbestos is asbestos that has been bound by a hardening agent, and is typically seen in roofing shingles, floor tiles and asbestos-cement sheets (fibro). Removing more than 10 square metres requires a Class B licence. Loose asbestos or ‘friable’ asbestos should not be removed by a nonprofessional in any circumstances.
DIY asbestos removal can only be conducted in hour time slots and should be completed over the course of seven days. Given how dangerous asbestos exposure is, and the care and consideration needed to remove and dispose of it properly, it’s highly recommended you enlist the services of professional asbestos removalists instead. Our asbestos disposal Brisbane specialists have successfully removed asbestos from numerous homes and commercial buildings across Brisbane.
If you suspect your home contains asbestos or have found loose bits of tile and wall sheets in your yard and are unsure how to handle it, we recommend getting in touch with our asbestos removalists immediately. Give us a call on 0412 314 588 or e-mail to request a quote.
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Asbestos Collection
Removing asbestos isn’t as simple as just taking away asbestos containing materials, as there’s always a chance of contamination left by loose bits of dust and debris. Our asbestos clean up experts take a methodical approach to properly cleaning the area, including using government approved vacuums, wipes and even in-depth soil remediation if necessary. An asbestos clean up will also involved using appropriate PPE gear, which also must be disposed of properly before an asbestos disposal specialist leaves a site.
Asbestos Disposal
At Asbestos Removals Brisbane, we’re trained to accurately identify, remove, transport and dispose asbestos. Our asbestos collection services involve removing products or soil that contains asbestos and safety transporting the materials in regulated waste containers with appropriate waste tracking documentation.