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Where is Asbestos Found in Homes?

At Myers Asbestos Removal, we’re frequently asked by clients ‘where is asbestos found’ and how they can identify it. Though it varies case by case, there are a few areas in the home that are more likely to contain asbestos materials. In today’s blog, we thought we’d look at ‘Where is asbestos found in homes’ and what you should do if you come across something suspicious.

Where can asbestos be found?

What is asbestos and why is it used in so many buildings?

Asbestos is a natural mineral that has been widely used around the world due to its high resistance to fire and insulation ability. Though there are six types of asbestos, only three are regularly found in building materials – white, brown, and blue.

White – This type of asbestos is the most used and features small, curly fibres. It is the least dangerous type of asbestos (though every type of asbestos is deadly).

Brown – Brown asbestos is typically used as a spray for insulation materials.

Blue – This asbestos is the least common but the deadliest due to its small, straight fibres.

Wondering ‘Where can asbestos be found?’ Contact Myers Asbestos Removal today by calling  0412 314 588.

Where is asbestos found in the home?

Asbestos reached peak use between the 40s and 80s, with importing and exporting only halting in 2003. So widely used was asbestos that homeowners are warned that their homes very likely contain asbestos, if it was built or renovated before the 90s. Though most of asbestos in homes is friable asbestos a.k.a bonded to a building material, it can still be dangerous is the material gets crushed or broken, or through natural deterioration. Breathing in asbestos fibres can cause a myriad of health issues, even if it’s just a one-time exposure. This includes the long-term illness asbestosis, numerous cancers and the almost always fatal, mesothelioma.

If you’re wondering ‘where is asbestos found?’, the answer is – everywhere! It could be in the insulation, ceiling, interior walls, floors, water heaters and more. However, the only way to know for sure that your home contains asbestos is to have an expert conduct a thorough inspection. This is because asbestos can’t be seen by the human eye, which means lab testing must be done for an accurate read. A residential asbestos removal expert can take a look through your home, and test various materials they believe could be coated in asbestos.

The top five signs your home may contain asbestos include:

  • If your home was built before the 1990s.
  • If your home has corrugated roofing or bitumen roofing.
  • If your home has vinyl flooring or sheeting.
  • If your home has cement sheeting.
  • If your home has popcorn ceilings.

Where is asbestos found in the house: Beware when renovating

One of the biggest dangers faced with renovating is the risk of being exposed to loose asbestos – an issue many homeowners don’t even think about before commencing a DIY project. If you’re thinking about having any renovation work done, be sure to have asbestos testing conducted first.

How Can Asbestos Exposure Occur in the Home?

Asbestos exposure can occur in the following ways:
  • While renovating a home
  • Conducting maintenance
  • Aging of home and degradation of materials
  • Natural disaster
  • Water damage

 We hope our article on ‘Where can asbestos be found’ has answered your questions. If you suspect your home may be built using asbestos containing materials, be sure to give us a call on 0412 314 588 or email us at and we’ll be in touch shortly.


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